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 Accepting Applications for Next Year



The Carousel Play and Learn Center is licensed to accept children ages 6 weeks to 12 years old.  Each child must have current medical and immunization records completed for center enrollment.  In addition to these records, the following forms must be completed for the enrollment process: intake agreement, parent-center agreement, family and developmental history, consent and release, discipline and guidance, and food program forms.  It is the responsibility of the parent to keep all information pertinent and current.  When the center has reached enrollment capacity, applicants will be placed on a waiting list.  A registration fee of $25.00 is required to hold all positions.  The center cannot admit a child whose needs exceed our facility or one whose presence could be detrimental to others.

For more information call


Carousel Play & Learn Parent Handbook

  • Open Door Policy
    The Carousel Play & Learn Center has an open door policy. Parents are welcome to come to the center at any time. We encourage parents to stop in to check on their child or to spend some time with them.
  • Confidentiality
    The confidentiality of client records is that they not to be released to anyone other than those authorized by the Director, parents, or court orders.
  • Tuition
    Tuition payments are due weekly on Friday according to the agreement signed by the parents during the enrollment process. Tuition not paid by 5:30 pm on the Monday following the scheduled pay period will be charged a $10.00 late payment fee. As stated in the parent-center agreement, you must pay for the days that you have contracted. Please view our current fees here.
  • Arrivals & Departures
    The center hours are from 5:30 am to 5:30 pm. Please call by 9:30 am if your child will be late or absent so that an accurate lunch count can be made. Each child must be signed in and out at the center on a daily basis. The center will not release a child to anyone other than the persons listed on the enrollment form during the enrollment process. If someone other than those persons listed is going to pick up your child, please notify us in writing so that we can properly identify the person. If an emergency arises, please call the center. We will phone you back at work or home to be sure we have reached the correct person and then will release your child to the authorized person. A picture ID is required to release a child to a person that we do not recognize as the child’s parent or guardian. It is very important that all files are current to ensure safety. There will be a $20.00 charge per child when your child is in the center’s care past 5:30 p.m. After 5:45 p.m., there will be an additional $2.00 charge per minute. If your child is still in our care at 6:00 p.m., and we cannot reach anyone on your emergency contact list, we will notify the appropriate authorities and follow their instructions on the situation. ​All parents must accompany their child at all times for arrival and departure times. The Carousel Play and Learn Center and its staff are not responsible for your child in our parking lot. Please be sure to hold them or hold their hands as you go and from the car each day. There is a lot of traffic at pick up and drop off times. Please help us keep your child safe at all times. A staff member must be notified of all exchanges.
  • Discipline & Guidance
    The Carousel Play and Learn Center encourages a loving yet firm and consistent discipline policy. Our techniques consist primarily of redirection and verbalization for desired behavior. The staff is not permitted to use corporal, cruel, harsh, humiliation and frightening or unusual methods to control the actions of any child or group of children. We believe that mutual respect is necessary while giving disciplinary directions. We encourage each child to use manners and to show respect for themselves, others, and property. A time-out situation is used for persistent behavior problems. For behavior needs consistent application, parent conferences will be scheduled to assist the parent, child and center. For chronic or serious behavior, the center may request the removal of the child. When the behavior situation is under control, the child may re-enter the center on a trial basis only if space is available. ​ If a child’s behavior is not controllable and he/she has to come to the office three times in a day, you will be contacted and asked to remove the child from the center. If this occurs three times, you will be asked to remove your child from the center for two weeks. After two weeks, the child may return but if even one incident occurs, the child will be disenrolled from the center. To help remind the children of how to be kind and treat one another, we recite the following kindness pledge each day: The Kindness Pledge I pledge to myself, on this day To try and be kind in every way To every person big and small I will help them when they fall When I love myself and others too That is the best that I can do!!!
  • Attendance, Vaccinations, & Illnesses
    The center must be contacted if absenteeism, vacations, or illnesses occur. The center must be notified on a daily basis for absenteeism and illness. Failure to contact the center may result in an additional fee or withdrawal. You will be expected to call the center when your child is absent. Illness goes into further detail below.
  • Holidays
    The center is closed for New Years’ Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. If the holiday falls on the weekend, we will be closed either Friday or Monday. You will be charged for these days because they are paid holidays for the staff. Additionally, the Carousel is closed the day after Thanksgiving and the week between Christmas and New Year's. You will not be required to pay for these days.
  • Withdrawal
    Parents are required to give a two-week withdrawal notice. If you fail to give a two-week notice, you will be charged for the two-weeks anyway. Missing one week without notification results in withdrawal from the program and responsibility for any balance due.
  • Illnesses
    Children cannot be brought to the Center when ill or with a fever. The staff will observe each child upon arrival and will take necessary precautions to ensure the well being of the child as well as the other children. Those children, who become ill during center hours, will be placed in an isolated area under direct supervision until a parent/guardian can pick the child up from the center. The center must be informed of any communicable illnesses or diseases. If a child is running a fever of 100.4 degrees or more, we askt hat they d not return to the center until they are fever free for 24 hours, without the use of medication. This will help us to prevent as many illnesses from spreading as possible. Unfortunately, we teach them to share and sometimes as much as we try to prevent them from it, it includes spreading the cold germs around as well.
  • Communicable Diseases
    If your child has been exposed to any communicable illness or disease, the center must be notified immediately. If a communicable illness or disease is suspected, the center will contact the local health official as well as the parents. When a child has contracted a communicable disease or illness, the child must be removed from the center until a physician or health official signs a consent form and is able to return. A physician must diagnose rashes only. A written consent form must be obtained from a physician in order for the child to attend. Children who vomit and/or have diarrhea cannot be brought to the center so that the other children are not exposed. The center cannot always avoid the spread of communicable diseases or illnesses; however, exposure can be limited with parent cooperation.
  • Head Lice
    The center makes every effort to prevent the spread of lice in our building by not allowing children to share pillows, blankets, cots, combs, or hats. If a child is found to have lice, the child must not return to the center until they are nit free. The center has several documents on how to treat your child if they have lice and how to treat your home and car as well. By working together, we try to prevent lice from entering our building.
  • Medication Policy
    Medication may be given to a child enrolled in the center under the following conditions: 1. The parent/guardian must complete the medication sign in sheet for the child each day the medication is to be given. The parent/guardian should include the date, child’s name, and time to be given. 2. The medication is a prescription drug. 3. The medication is an over-the-counter drug that is accompanied with directions. All over-the-counter medications must be listed in the child’s file. 4. All medications must be in their original container. These conditions are state regulations and should be followed accordingly.
  • Food Allergies
    Indiana State law requires a physician’s written prescription for food allergies in order for the center to accommodate a child’s diet.
  • Food
    Parents can provide a special treat for all of the children in their child’s class on special occasions. State Board of Health regulations requires all food must be store bought. Children are not allowed to bring food into the center from home. State regulations require that they eat the food that we serve unless we have a doctor’s note stating otherwise. Parents should consult with the administrative assistant or director to make arrangements for bringing in food.
  • Accidents
    An Accident/Injury form will be completed for each accident or injury. The form provides the date, time of accident, how the injury occurred, where in the center it occurred, and the staff member who reported it. You will sign the report and keep the yellow copy. The white copy will be placed in your child’s file. Parents will be immediately notified if the accident involves head injuries or if the child needs medical attention.
  • Clothing
    Please provide your child with an extra set of clothing for accidents such as juice spills, water spills, potty accidents, or weather-related incidents. If clothing from the center is used, please return them the next day. When you drop your child off each morning, please be sure they are changed into their clothes for the day. If your child is in diapers, please be sure they have on a new, dry diaper as well.
  • Toys
    Toys from home are not permitted into the center unless it is for rest time or show-n-tell time. Special toys that are brought into the center tend to get broken or lost easily. The Carousel Play & Learn Center is not responsible for lost or broken items.
  • Rest Time
    Rest time is a quiet time for children in the center. Blankets, pillows, and a special sleeping item may be brought from home to sleep with. All items must be able to fit into the cubby provided and washed every week. The center staff encourages all children to rest; however, do not require a child to sleep.
  • Outside Play
    The State requires that we take the children outside each day. We go out in the morning and again in the afternoon. We will take the children outside if the temperature is above freezing. Please dress you child(ren) accordingly. It is good for children to get fresh air when they are not feeling well, if they are dressed appropriately. Please make sure children have coats, jackets, gloves, hats, etc. as needed. We also apply sunscreen to the children to protect their skin from the exposure to the sun. Please supply your child with a bottle of sunscreen.
  • Parent Information
    There are parent information bulletin boards for each group that inform parents of daily routines and/or weekly activities. There is also a parent information bulletin board for general information or concerns. Parents are reminded that food, gum, candy or money is not permitted into the center. When a child exhibits unusual behavior or has a personal physical accident, the staff will discuss the situation with the parent/guardian when the child is picked up from the center. When emergency situations occur, the parent/guardian is contacted immediately. All staff members are trained in first aid.
  • Conferences
    Conferences between the parent/guardian and staff are encouraged and may be initiated by either party as the need arises. The center strives for open communication in which complaints and concerns are answered and the corrective measures taken if needed. The director or program director is readily available to parents when situations are not satisfactory resolved by the staff. A written report may be submitted to the Board of Directors for their upcoming meeting when further action is required.
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